December News

Dear Families,

As you know, we have been busy “traveling around the world” learning about customs and celebrations in other countries. Our journey will come to an end this week which means all of our reading material, facts about places, and souveniers will be coming home in a suitcase ready to be shared over the break. The class is excited about sharing what they learned about each stop we made and the informative writing project that shows what they know.

When we return in January our focus will be narrative writing again. We will work on writing with an opening statement, having a beginning, middle and end to each piece that is finished. Naturally, our first topics will have to do with winter and snow! Reading work will also focus on fiction text.

As I mentioned at conferences we are now working on subtraction in math and strategies for subtraction. Currently the class is learning about finding the missing part. We will look at how addition and subtraction are related and how to solve subtraction word problems. This unit will continue into January. Since we will be working fluency of facts to 10, it is important for students to practice flash cards at home.

I was happy to meet with you at conference time last week and discuss your child's progress in first grade. If you have any other questions you can email me.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season and Happy New Year!


Polly Lilly


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